• Welcome to Washington School District!


    A child eligible for admission to Kindergarten must be (5) years old on or before July 31, 2025.

    Our Kindergarten registration is now open. PLEASE make sure you are clicking the

    2025-2026 Kindergarten online enrollment link below.

    Click on the following link to enroll your child or use the QR code below:

    2025-2026 Kindergarten Online Enrollment


        Incoming 2024-2025 Student Registration is open. Click on the following link to enroll your student or use the QR code below:

    2024-2025 Online Student Enrollment

    Below is the information that is required for Student Registration.

    • Complete all online forms available for each student being registered
    • If possible and when prompted, upload the following documents to the registration:
      • Proof of residency (a current lease, mortgage agreement, utility bill, etc.)
      • Proof of age (birth certificate or other means of proving the official age of the student)
      • All required health and immunization records
      • Custody agreement or other court-issued documentation
      • Prior academic records (including but not limited to transcripts, report cards, special education paperwork, etc.)
    Please contact Shelly Digon with any questions via email or by phone at 724-223-5013