Latest News
PSBA Scholarships
Washington School District is a member of the Pennsylvania School Board Association (PSBA). WSD students who meet the following criteria mentioned in the article are eligible to apply for any of these PSBA scholarships:
WHS Unified Sports Flag Football Competition
What an incredible day for our Prexie students! 🎉 Thursday, (11/21/24), Washington took part in the pilot Unified Sports Flag Football event with districts from around the county.
Spring Concerts
The Wash High Jazz Band with primarily high school student musicians, performed first at the Junior High Spring Concert under the direction of conductor Stephen Cherry, featuring several solos.
Wash High Symphonic and Steel Drum Band Spring Concerts
Wash High symphonic band and the steel drum band, both directed by Stephen Cherry, performed their spring concerts on May 9th.
PSSA Testing Kick-Off at the Junior High School
The Junior High started their state testing week with a Kick-off at the end of the day on Monday.
Elementary Students Receive Musical Treat
Students in grades 1-6 at the Washington Park Elementary School received a special musical treat performed by the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra earlier this month.
Students of the Month for February and March 2024
Students of the Month for February and March were recently recognized at a breakfast at the high school.
Wash High Transition Fair 2024
Wash High’s students (grades 9-12) participated in a Transition Fair organized by Jessica Gardner, Transition Coordinator, the guidance department and the high school principal’s office on Friday, March 15th.
Academy of Adolescent Health's 14th Annual Black History Month Essay Contest Winners
"Students, in Grades 7-12, were invited to write about the topic of 'Black Health and Wellness' or why Black History needs to be spotlighted year-round for the Academy of Adolescent Health's 14th Annual Black History Month Essay Contest.
Honor Roll Sundae Celebration
Washington High School Principal Matt Mols and Junior HIgh Principal Lou Magnotta, along with guidance counselors and a few teachers, chaperoned an ice cream social for those in 9th-12th first, followed by a separate one for the 7-8th grades on February 9 in the jr/sr high cafeteria.
The smiling faces and joking aside, the co-ed teams took their places on both ends of the bocce court. The 4 p.m. competition was about to begin. However, as the half-hour matches went on, the crowd was cheering for both sides – Wash High and Canon-McMillan.
Junior and Senior Awards Given in Challenge Program
Students in the Challenge Program last year that succeeded in areas including one of the following categories: attendance, community services, STEM, academic improvement or academic excellence were selected to receive the motivational assistance to continue to do well.
Christmas Kicks
Students in junior high and high school grades in Washington School District were chosen by staff to be the first recipients of new athletic shoes from the TonyStrong Foundation's "Christmas Kicks" shoe drive event.
Upcoming Events
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Washington School District School Board Meeting
April 22, 2025
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Washington School District School Board Meeting
May 12, 2025
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Washington School District School Board Meeting
Outside Programs
New Student Registration
Now Open
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Ride the Bus to School!
Month-long pass Freedom Transit is now offering specially priced bus passes for Wash Jr/Sr High students to get to and from school and around town!
Prexie Center
Prexie Center Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-6pm Free and open to all 7th-12th graders for socializing, meals/snacks, games, tutoring, Prexie Market, and more!