- Washington School District Cyber School
- Cyber School Enrollment
Prior to beginning the enrollment process, please take note of these important considerations:
Enrollment is only open during the first ten days of each semester.
AP/ CHS courses are not available to full-time cyber students.
Students with an IEP will be called for an IEP team meeting to determine admission.
Successful applicants will meet all the following criteria.
1. Must have passed all core classes during the most recent 9 weeks
2. Must not have had truancy action taken against them in the most-recent 9 weeks
Step 1: Review the Cyber Academy Board Policy.
Step 2: Contact Anna Stanziano to express interest:
724-223-5080 ext. 2212 or stanzianoa@prexie.us
Step 3: Student status will be reviewed by administration.
Step 4: Administration will reach out to you to notify you of your application status. Notifications will come primarily by email.
· Acceptance – Students will begin the Washington Cyber Academy at the start of the upcoming semester.
Step 5 – Attend a scheduled orientation meeting and sign Cyber Student Contract.
The student will now be ready to begin online coursework!