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  • Students Arrival & Dismissal

  • Intermediate School Principals' Message

    Welcome to the Washington Park Elementary Intermediate School comprised of grades 3-6 with more than 400 students. Our school offers individualized instruction so students can learn at their own pace from our highly qualified and dedicated staff members. Not only is instruction personalized and differentiated, but there is also a strong emphasis on each student’s social and emotional learning to create a well-rounded student.

    In grades 3-6, our curriculum is aligned to the PA Core Standards. Our students have the opportunity to not only learn face to face, but also from a digital platform as every student is provided his or her own chrome book. We offer several after-school programs such as computer programming and tutoring, as well as partnerships within the community.

    We look forward to working as a team with the students, staff and community. We have high expectations and hopes for all, and look forward to a tremendous school year.


    Mr. Darren J. Vaccaro, Principal

    Courtney LeViere, Principal